Sunday, January 31, 2010

Choosing Happiness

I am, by nature, a pessimistic person. I am moody and volatile at times. I am sensitive and easily hurt, and deeply self-conscious.
And then I am passionate and loyal, trust worthy and sincere.
I often forget my better traits. I allow myself to dwell in negativity.
I had been dwelling in negativity for weeks, when I was so worried that this house may not be ours. When I was worrying over being stuck in my parent's basement for another daunting length of time.

I have, instead, decided to choose happiness. Happiness is a choice we make each day. And nothing so small as a house should change the happiness that I experience with my family.

I want to choose joy because when I do, it causes a ripple effect in my life. The power of smiling cannot be over estimated.

And in the last few weeks, I have not been cherishing the smiles of my beautiful daughter and son like I should be. I have not been smiling at my amazing husband enough.
So instead of fretting over this house, that my family does desperately need, but can go on living without, I am choosing happiness.
I am living in happiness,

regardless of where we live physically.

1 comment:

  1. And beautiful, and wonderful, and my best friend, and you make the sweetest most loving children I have ever gotten my hands on.
