Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Inspection Day

We had the inspection done on the house today. Third inspection on a house in six months, and I must say, this poor little house needs some love.
Every surface of the inside of this house is dirty. There are literally two inch thick spider webs in the corners of the kitchen, the bathroom is a science experiment, and the carpets are horrific.
I will be the first to admit that I am not the cleanest, most organized person in the world, but the dirtiness of this house is just wrong, even for me.
through all the grime, I am starting to grow attached to this little house.
I can see how I am going to change every little thing already,
here I go getting exciting again,
you would think I would have learned my lesson
the last three times.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

This is It.

Well, here it is.
This 1950's brick cottage is ours.
We close in two weeks.
Wish us luck.
I think I am still getting over the last house we had the contract on. I loved that house, it was, literally the house of my dreams. But... I guess you aren't meant to have the house of your dreams for your first house right?
So, I guess I will be optimistic,
and let this house become the house of my dreams.
There is alot to do in this house,
ripping out carpet,
whole new kitchen,
whole new bathroom,
whole new life not living in my parents basement!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ghostly Apparition

Those of you who know me, know that I whole heartedly believe in ghosts.
I have had "paranormal" experiences in nearly every house that I have lived in since I was a child, and over time, have simply decided that there must be something off about me
that attracts that kind of activity.
Since moving back in with my parents, I had not had any odd feelings or seen anything "odd"
until this past month.
My three year old, Aiden, was watching a movie in the basement during a particularly boring afternoon, when I went upstairs to do some laundry. Once I got the laundry loaded, and water boiling to make her lunch, I wandered back downstairs to find Aiden trying to un-lock the basement door.
I said "Aiden, what are you doing, you know that you aren't allowed to open doors unless Mommy says so."
"but Mommy," she says " there is a man at the door, he is asking to come inside."
Needless to say, I get creeped out.
Over the years, I have found that the best way to survive the constant feel of ghosts, or "weird" feelings, is to ignore them.
If I ignore the activity, rather than reacting to it, the negative energy usually disperses, and stays away for a while.
So, I decided to ignore it.
A little while later, I went back upstairs to change the laundry from the washer to the dryer.
When I came back about five minutes later,
there was Aiden, trying to open the door again.
Same thing.
"but Mommy, there is a man, who says he needs to come in."
I sat on the couch with her for the rest of the afternoon.
When my husband came home, I told him the story,
he checked the backyard for footprints.

That night, I woke up to a weird noise.
Our bedroom floor has wood floors, and Aiden's room is connected to ours through a doorway.
We have a heavy down comforter that we use during the winter, the sound I woke up to was like the down comforter was being dragged across the floor of our room--back and forth across the floor.

I was terrified. I looked down from the bed, and found the blanket pooled at the foot of our bed.
I poked my husband awake. We both sat in silence, when suddenly, from Aidens room we hear her say "won't you come in?"

Looks like whoever was trying to get my daughter to let them in that afternoon, succeeded.


I must admit, I have been avoiding you.
I haven't wanted to work on my blog lately, because it hasn't started out being what I want it to be. When I started this blog, I had ideas of grandure about it. It was going to contain beautiful pictures of pretty things, it was going to give a beautiful little tidbit about what I was doing around my new house each day.
I haven't been able to do those things, and I am a little embarrassed about it.
We are in a holding pattern. Just waiting to find out which house will be ours, we still have two weeks until we find out which house we are moving into. Is it the beautiful, 1930s cottage, the house of my dreams?? Or is it the somewhat less loved 1950s cottage that I can make my own?? I have no idea.
So here I am, feeling that this whole situation is a bit like that melting, forgotten, february snow outside my window.
The luster of house hunting and house buying is gone.
I am ready for house owning.
So, I am here to say I am sorry.
As of now,
I am going to entertain you with stories of what is happening during the in between.
I hope you will stick with me until we get to the good parts.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

An Open Window

So, after all the heartache of trying to buy the last house, we decided to go out and find some other options. This cute little thing showed up for sale just 18 days ago.
The yard is beautiful, and it is positioned at the top of the hill, so it is just a block away from some amazing walking and biking trails.
The inside is a bit of a different story. The bathroom and the kitchen have to go, there is carpet to rip out, lots and lots of wood paneling to rip down, and endless painting to be had.
Lots of experiences waiting.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I want that feeling you have when you have a place to call your own.
Something that says you belong here.
I want to fold arm loads of laundry,
soak mountains of dishes, and
hide love notes in secret places.
It has been a year since we last had a place that was our own.
And though it seems small, un-important,
to some,
I want to give my children a place that is theirs.
Not something borrowed.

I want to wake at night
in the locked stillness of a house,
and walk through each darkened room,
running my open palms
across the coolness of the walls,
in appreciation
for the things I have been given.