Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ghostly Apparition

Those of you who know me, know that I whole heartedly believe in ghosts.
I have had "paranormal" experiences in nearly every house that I have lived in since I was a child, and over time, have simply decided that there must be something off about me
that attracts that kind of activity.
Since moving back in with my parents, I had not had any odd feelings or seen anything "odd"
until this past month.
My three year old, Aiden, was watching a movie in the basement during a particularly boring afternoon, when I went upstairs to do some laundry. Once I got the laundry loaded, and water boiling to make her lunch, I wandered back downstairs to find Aiden trying to un-lock the basement door.
I said "Aiden, what are you doing, you know that you aren't allowed to open doors unless Mommy says so."
"but Mommy," she says " there is a man at the door, he is asking to come inside."
Needless to say, I get creeped out.
Over the years, I have found that the best way to survive the constant feel of ghosts, or "weird" feelings, is to ignore them.
If I ignore the activity, rather than reacting to it, the negative energy usually disperses, and stays away for a while.
So, I decided to ignore it.
A little while later, I went back upstairs to change the laundry from the washer to the dryer.
When I came back about five minutes later,
there was Aiden, trying to open the door again.
Same thing.
"but Mommy, there is a man, who says he needs to come in."
I sat on the couch with her for the rest of the afternoon.
When my husband came home, I told him the story,
he checked the backyard for footprints.

That night, I woke up to a weird noise.
Our bedroom floor has wood floors, and Aiden's room is connected to ours through a doorway.
We have a heavy down comforter that we use during the winter, the sound I woke up to was like the down comforter was being dragged across the floor of our room--back and forth across the floor.

I was terrified. I looked down from the bed, and found the blanket pooled at the foot of our bed.
I poked my husband awake. We both sat in silence, when suddenly, from Aidens room we hear her say "won't you come in?"

Looks like whoever was trying to get my daughter to let them in that afternoon, succeeded.


  1. so creepy! did you ask Aiden about the man? hopefully he is nice.

    On another note, sorry about all this house hunting hell you're in. it sucks. i hope it gets better.

  2. thanks Kendra. House buying is no fun.
    Hope you and your cute cute kids are well.

  3. It creeps me out that my sweet, perfect, little Aiden can see, or hear, the same things.

  4. the first time, i would have thought "imagination game"... by nightfall, i would have been busting out the incense! that was creepy! :)
